Sunday 19 September 2010

thinning hair and vitimans

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010 at 12:00 am  

in case you suffer from thinning hair vitamin deficiency may be contributing to it. Lets think of whether there is a vitamin and thinning hair link and whether using vitamins for thinning hair can help you.

It is quite clear that the average American diet is very lacking in essential nutrients like for example vitamins and minerals. We eat too much junk food and fast food and we eat too much saturated fat, sugar and salt. Whilst these foods are very tasty they are very lacking in essential nutrients. It is also patently clear that this contributes heavily to a huge range of health problems, some of which, like for example heart disease, can be fatal.

Clearly there is a link between our poor diet and our poor health so it makes complete sense that the health of our hair can be compromised by a poor diet. And research shows that hair health is heavily dependent on a good supply of vitamins and minerals and that a diet lacking in these will produce hair which is unhealthy, which is thinner and weaker than it should be and which does not replace itself very successful. This leads to thinning hair.

But despite this clear diet thinning hair link, is using vitamins for thinning hair effective? By changing your diet to increase your intake of vitamins for thinning hair problems can you reverse your hair loss?

The vast majority of baldness, particularly in men, is caused by male pattern baldness. This is a condition where an excess of the male sex hormone DHT severely limits the ability of hair follicles to absorb essential nutrients. The hair is restricted in its ability to take up nutrients and if the supply of nutrients is also limited due to poor diet this exacerbates the problem. But reversing the vitamin deficiency on its own does not increase the ability of the hair follicles to take up nutrients due to the action of the DHT.

If you have thinning hair due to male pattern baldness, simply improving your diet will not reverse the hair loss, though it may slow.

As well as improving the nutrients available to the hair it is essential to improve the ability of the hair to take up those nutrients. One product does this very well by not only supplying all the essential vitamins and minerals but also using natural ingredients such as Saw Palmetto which has been shown to limit the effects of the DHT and which also supplies a topical product that increases blood supply to the hair thereby allowing the hair to take up more nutrients.

Therefore, whilst it is clear that there is a hair loss and vitamin deficiency link, it is unlikely that, if you suffer from male pattern baldness, you can reverse that simply by improving your diet. Whilst improving the availability of essential nutrients is part of the equation it is equally important to improve the ability of the hair follicle to take up those nutrients.

Of course improving your diet has a wide range of other health benefits and you ought make significant dietary changes that this reason, and this will also benefit the health of your hair. But if you suffer from male pattern hair thinning you need consider seriously the use of a product that combines a supply of essential vitamins for thinning hair together with other products designed to improve the ability of the hair to create use of these vitamins.

Visit my website to find a product that combines essential hair vitamins with products to improve the capacity of the hair to absorb them.

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